How do I return my item(s)?

You can return unwanted products within 30 days of receipt for a full refund. All items returned must be in their original unopened packaging with all labels and tags still attached. Due to hygiene and security reasons, certain items can't be returned unless faulty, unfit for purpose, not as described or of an unsatisfactory quality. The following items are non-returnable, unless in their original packaging and unused:

  • Lingerie/underwear, where the hygiene patch has been removed

  • Cosmetics where the security seal has been broken.

If there is an issue with quality or your item has been received damaged please contact us within the first 30 days of receiving item after 30 days we can not offer any help. please keep/provide proof of purchase if you need to return an item.

Please read all ingredients before using any skin care, Hair care ,Beard care or bath products